Seeing things over and over on a roadway pallet. Finding my flesh melting into the cloth. Painting my teeth green. Smacking layers upon layers on tender gums. Holding nothing back. Calling the request line and the radio goes dead. Fuzzy like a sweater lining your throat. Tingling pains throughout the body.

The breath that moves like wind. Mistaken identities, and finding a pair of sunglasses you lost long ago. He bought the boots shortly before he sadly realized he had no feet. An enjoyable film, though at an odd time. Random phrases plucked from a newsstand, but when called upon for use fail miserably. Listening to the strange moans in the wall. Your parents would enjoy that. Discovering you left your fingers in your gloves.

The dozens of failures, the dozens of favors, wine, drinking in the yard and rolling around with women with large breasts.

She worked rather than slept, since her bed was an unfamiliar place. A tape recording of static. Fatigue. An insolent zebra and his companion make their way East without delay. Dentures with fangs. Unenjoyable entertainment. Dining on feathers, large oak table with a large crack running down the center. Falsified emotions.

So many adjustments, and still it failed.

enjoying the company of underaged females finding further uses for hot water volunteer work for a living feeling younger than you are waking up in the night and not knowing where you are

Nothing was as enjoyable as the day you missed.

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